Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goose Walk

Codman Farm in Lincoln Ma is a community-owned farm that my mother-in-law is involved in. This more detailed than usual sketch is a gift to her, and is an illustration of the constant parade of geese, chickens, pigs, lambs and people that perambulate around the farmyard.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


A surprising military presence on Benefit Street, this 1840 gothicky fortress was home to the Providence Marine Corps of Artillery. The building looks great for pouring boiling oil and squeezing of shots through the gun slits, but not so great for firing off canons.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Slice 'o Steeple

Belonging to the First Baptist Church in America, founded in 1636 by that troublemaker Roger Williams, this particular church was built in 1775. It is based on an engraving of the Marylebone Chapel by James Gibbs. Topping out at 185 feet, the steeple seems quite happy to see me.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nurture vs Nature

Home on the range in late fall, with the past-its-prime, guy-wired and cosseted birch tree giving up its leaves once more. Perhaps next year it will succumb to age and gravity.

Walking on Thanksgiving day in Great Meadow Nature Refuge (normally I would refuse to walk in a refuge), nature still required nurturing, as evidenced by the boardwalk, metal drain and invasive plants waiting for spring cleaning.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Chez Truck

My new favorite lunch place. Hetwin's Dogs Mobile is a free-range outpost of Chez Pascal in Providence - a wonderful local food restaurant. The metal casing of the truck is the holder of all types of house made tube-type products. The best sandwich is the pork belly sandwich with a very fresh over easy egg - my mouth is watering just thinking about it.
Nice granite building across the street to rest my eyes on as I wait in high anticipation.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Farm Post

A lonely granite post, not living up to its potential as a supporter of rails.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Round Top Barn

We started our Damariscotta charrette out in this barn the first night, but cold weather drove us to the farmhouse for the rest. Sunny but cold end of October.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Red Caboose Diner

An escaped caboose whose resting place conveniently ended at the sidewalk of Main Street in Whitefish MT. Oddly enough named the Red Caboose Diner, it beckoned me with a lurid red sign shouting "Eat Here". Sadly, I did not.